

UNESCO works to create the conditions for dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples, based upon respect for commonly shared values. It is through this dialogue that the world can achieve global visions of sustainable development encompassing observance of human rights, mutual respect and the alleviation of poverty, all of which are at the heart of UNESCO’S mission and activities.
The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community – as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities. Thus UNESCO’s unique competencies in education, the sciences, culture and communication and information contribute towards the realization of those goals.
UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the building of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. The Organization focuses, in particular, on two global priorities:
And on a number of overarching objectives:

Este texto tem o foco no desenvolvimento e inclusão social através de políticas educacionais. A tecnologia entra como pano de fundo para que isso ocorra. Para tanto, UNESCO fala sobre um Projeto de ICT que corresponde a uma proposta de reforma educacional com base no desenvolvimento das capacidades humanas, pautadas em: technology literacy, knowledge deepening, and knowledge creation—with the six components of the educational system—policy, curriculum, pedagogy, ICT, organization, and teacher training—a curriculum framework is created for the UNESCO ICT Competency Standards for Teachers (ICT-CST) project. 

Para dar mais embasamento talvez fosse bom acrescentar Paulo Freire...
Dá para iniciar o embasamento da necessidade de letramento digital por aqui para depois seguir a diante.

More specifically, the objectives of the UNESCO ICT Competency Standards for Teachers project are:
• To constitute a common set of guidelines that professional development providers can use to identify, develop or evaluate learning materials or teacher training programs in the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
• To provide a basic set of qualifications that allows teachers to integrate ICT into their teaching and learning, to advance student learning, and to improve other professional duties.
• To extend teachers’ professional development so as to advance their skills in pedagogy, 
collaboration, leadership and innovative school development using ICT.
• To harmonize different views and vocabulary regarding the uses of ICT in teacher education.
The education programs of the United Nations and UNESCO address these diverse purposes and goals. For example, the Millennium Development Goals (MDG), Education for All (EFA), the UN Literacy Decade (UNLD), and the Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (DESD) all aim to reduce poverty and improve health and the quality of life and view education as an important contribution to these goals. All aim to increase the equality of women and men and advance the human rights of all, particularly minorities. All believe that education is a key to development, as a way of enabling people to fulfill their potential and take increasing control over decisions that affect them. All see education as a right of all citizens. In addition, the EFA and DESD place emphasis on the quality of learning, both what students learn and how they learn it.
The ICT Competency Standards for Teachers project, it emphasizes poverty reduction and improved quality of life. Project extends these programs by emphasizing the relationship between ICT use, education reform, and economic growth. It is through education and human capacity development that individuals not only add value to the economy but contribute to the cultural legacy, participate in social discourse, improve the health of the family and community, conserve the natural environment, and increase their own agency and ability to continue to develop and contribute, creating a virtuous cycle of personal development and contribution. It is 
through access to high-quality education by all—regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, or Language—that these personal contributions are multiplied and the benefits of economic growth are equitably distributed and enjoyed.
Teacher Professional Development and Education Reform
New technologies require new teacher roles, new pedagogies, and new approaches to teacher training. Professional development programs that are coordinated with these policies have the goal of developing teachers’ technological literacy so as to integrate the use of basic ICT tools into the standard school curriculum, pedagogy, and classroom structures. Teachers would know how, where, and when (as well as when not) touse technology for classroom activities and presentations, for management tasks, and to acquire additional subject matter and edagogical knowledge in support of their own professional development.

Este texto descreve com mais detalhes a proposta de reforma educacional:
Technology Literacy
As stated above, the policy goal of the technology literacy approach is to prepare learners, citizens, and a workforce that is capable of taking up new technologies so as to support social development and improve economic productivity. 

Changes in pedagogical practice involve the use of various technologies, tools, and e-content as part of whole class, group, and individual student activities.

Changes in teacher practice involve knowing where and when (as well as when not) to use the technology for classroom activities and presentations, for management tasks, and to acquire additional subject matter and pedagogical knowledge in support of the teachers’ own professional development.
In the early stages of development teacher competences related to the technology literacy approach include basic digital literacy skills along with the ability to select and use appropriate off-the-self educational tutorials, games, drill-and-practice, and web content in computer laboratories or with limited classroom facilities to complement standard curriculum objectives, assessment approaches, unit plans, and didactic teaching methods. Teachers must also be able to use ICT to manage classroom data and support their own professional development.
SEGUNDO ESTÁGIO - Knowledge Deepening
O papel do aluno
The policy goal of the knowledge deepening approach is to increase the ability of students, citizens, and the workforce to add value to society and the economy by applying the knowledge of school subjects to solve complex, high priority problems encountered in real world situations of work, society and life. 
Classroom pedagogy associated with this approach includes collaborative problem- and project-based learning in which students explore a subject deeply and bring their knowledge to bear on complex, every-day questions, issues, and problems.

O papel do professor
Teacher competencies related to the knowledge deepening approach include the ability to manage information, structure problem tasks, and integrate open-ended software tools and subject-specific applications with student-centered teaching methods and collaborative projects in support of students’ deep understand of key concepts and their application to solve complex, real-world problems.

TERCEIRO ESTÁGIO - Knowledge Creation
O papel do aluno:
The policy goal of the knowledge creation approach is to increase productivity by creating students, citizens, and a workforce that is continually engaged in and benefits from knowledge creation and innovation and life-long learning.

 Perhaps the most significant goal is for students to be able to determine their own learning goals and plans—the ability to establish what they already know, assess their strengths and weaknesses, design a learning plan, stay on task, track their own progress, and build on successes and adjust to failures; skills that can be used throughout a lifetime to participate 
in a learning society

O papel do professor:
Teachers who show competence with the knowledge creation approach will be able to design ICTbased learning resources and environments; use ICT to support the development of knowledge creation and critical thinking skills of students; support students’ continuous, reflective learning; and create knowledge communities for students and colleagues. 

No final do texto há uma tabela que explica cada um dos elementos acima.


Este texto recupera o objetivo da tecnologia no ensino e foca nos benefícios que a tecnologia pode trazer aos alunos. Em seguida, ele diz que isso só será possível se o professor estiver devidamente capacitado para tal tarefa. As aulas tradicionais não mais poderão supri as necessidades dos alunos em mundo em que a tecnologia movimenta os meios de comunicação, tanto na vida pessoal quanto na vida profissional.

Within a sound educational setting, technology can enable students to become:

• Capable information technology users
• Information seekers, analyzers, and evaluators
• Problem solvers and decision makers
• Creative and effective users of productivity tools
• Communicators, collaborators, publishers, and producers
• Informed, responsible, and contributing citizens

it is critical that all classroom teachers are prepared to provide their students with these opportunities. Both professional development programs for teachers currently in the classroom and programs for preparing future teachers should provide technology-rich experiences throughout all aspects of the training. Standards and resources within UNESCO’s project “ICT Competency Standards for Teachers” (ICT-CST) provide guidelines for all teachers, specifically for planning teacher education programs and training offerings that will prepare them to play an essential role in producing technologycapable students.

Traditional educational practices no longer provide prospective teachers with all the necessary skills for teaching students to survive economically in today’s workplace. 

O texto ressalta novamente que a UNESCO trabalha com três abordagens essenciais que são desdobradas em seis componentes. As abordagens enfocam:
  • Aprender a usar a ferramenta
  • Resolver problemas através do uso da ferramenta
  • Inovar e produzir conhecimento
Aprendizagem reflexiva - foco está na reflexão crítica.

Os seis componentes enfocam: 

UNESCO especifica que as sugestões de letramento deverão seguidas de acordo com o ministério da educação de cada país, enfatizando a flexibilidade que ha na implantação de um projeto como este. Todavia as diretrizes de implantação devem ser submetidas ao Conselho de ICT para que sejam endossadas.

A UNESCO oferece um implementation guideline, localizado no final do documento.

Today’s classroom teachers need to be prepared to provide technology-supported learning opportunities for their students. Being prepared to use technology and knowing how that technology can support student learning have become integral skills in every teacher’s professional repertoire. Teachers need to be prepared to empower students with the advantages technology can bring. Schools and classrooms, both real and virtual, must have teachers who are equipped with technology resources and skills and who can effectively teach the necessary subject matter content while incorporating technology concepts and skills. Interactive computer simulations, digital and open educational resources, and sophisticated data-gathering and analysis tools are only a few of the resources that enable teachers to provide previously unimaginable opportunities for conceptual understanding.

Objetivo Geral do Projeto da UNESCO:
The goal of the UNESCO ICT Competency Standards for Teachers (ICT-CST) project  is to improve teachers’ practice in all areas of a their work. By combining ICT skills with emergent views in pedagogy, curriculum, and school organization, the Standards are designed for the professional development of teachers who will use ICT skills and resources to improve their teaching, collaborate with colleagues, and perhaps ultimately become innovation leaders in their institutions.

Objetivo Específico do Projeto da UNESCO:
More specifically, the objectives of the UNESCO ICT Competency Standards for Teachers project are:
• To constitute a common set of guidelines that professional development providers can use to identify, develop or evaluate learning materials or teacher training programs in the use of ICT in teaching and learning.
• To provide a basic set of qualifications that allows teachers to integrate ICT into their teaching and learning, to advance student learning, and to improve other professional duties.
• To extend teachers’ professional development so as to advance their skills in pedagogy, collaboration, leadership and innovative school development using ICT.
• To harmonize different views and vocabulary regarding the uses of ICT in teacher education.

Three Approaches
The intent of the UNESCO ICT-CST project is to connect education reform to economic growth and social development that can improve the quality of education, reduce poverty and inequity, advance the standards of living, and prepare a country’s citizens for the challenges of the 21st century.

The Standards are based on three approaches to education reform that correspond to alternative, somewhat overlapping approaches to improve a country’s workforce and fostering economic growth:
Increasing the technological uptake of the workforce by incorporating technology skills in the curriculum—or the technology literacy approach.
Increasing the ability of the workforce to use knowledge to add value to economic output by applying it to solve complex, real-world problems—or the knowledge deepening approach.
Increasing the ability of the workforce to innovate and produce new knowledge and of citizens to benefit from this new knowledge—or the knowledge creation approach.

Aprender a usar a ferramenta
Resolver problemas através do uso da ferramenta
Inovar e produzir conhecimento

Aprendizagem reflexiva - foco está na reflexão crítica.

Six Components
The UNESCO ICT Competency Standards for Teachers also address six components of the educational system. It is important to note that the Standards do not merely focus on ICT skills. Rather, they include training on ICT skills as part of a comprehensive approach to education reform that includes: policy, curriculum and assessment, pedagogy, the use of technology, school organization and administration, and teacher professional development.

On Implementation Guidelines
The intent of the UNESCO ICT-CST project is to supply professional development providers with a framework that they can use to develop or revise their professional development offerings.

Este guideline é o que eu precisava para fazer o curso.

UNESCO - Towards Information Literacy Indicators

O foco deste texto está no letramento e não o letramento digital. Portanto, a referência tem como base INFORMATION LITERACY, ou seja:

Defining Information Literacy. As derived from the Alexandria Proclamation of 2005, adopted by UNESCO’s Information for All Programme (IFAP), Information Literacy is the capacity of people to:

  • Recognise their information needs; 
  • Locate and evaluate the quality of information;
  • Store and retrieve information;
  • Make effective and ethical use of information, and
  • Apply information to create and communicate knowledge. 

Like other aspects of literacy, the level of IL skills required is dependent upon both the domain of practice and on the level of performance required of an individual. For instance, the level of IL needed for effective performance in elementary education differs from that required in adult and higher education. Different levels of skill are ikewise required of a journalist and of a citizen in areas of civic involvement, and for health and well-being.

Apesar de ser um bom tema - letramento - acredito que outras coias mais interessantes escritas.

UNESCO - Strategy Framework - for Promoting ICT Literacy In the Asia-Paci c Region

Este texto fala sobre graus - níveis de letramento


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